The NLR-Annotator tool enables annotation of the intracellular immune receptor repertoire
Steuernagel B, Witek K, Krattinger SG, Ramirez-Gonzalez R, Schoonbeek H, Yu G, Baggs E, Witek AI, Yadav I, Krasileva KV, Jones JDG, Uauy C, Keller B Ridout CJ, Wulff BBH (2020) The NLR-Annotator tool enables annotation of the intracellular immune receptor repertoire.Plant Physiology 183: 468-482.
Disease resistance genes encoding nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich
repeat (NLR) intracellular immune receptor proteins detect pathogens by
the presence of pathogen effectors. Plant genomes typically contain
hundreds of NLR-encoding genes. The availability of the hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar Chinese Spring reference genome allows a detailed study of its NLR complement. However, low NLR
expression and high intrafamily sequence homology hinder their accurate
annotation. Here, we developed NLR-Annotator, a software tool for in
silico NLR identification independent of transcript support. Although
developed for wheat, we demonstrate the universal applicability of
NLR-Annotator across diverse plant taxa. We applied our tool to wheat
and combined it with a transcript-validated subset of genes from the
reference gene annotation to characterize the structure, phylogeny, and
expression profile of the NLR gene family. We detected 3,400
full-length NLR loci, of which 1,560 were confirmed as expressed genes
with intact open reading frames. NLRs with integrated domains mostly
group in specific subclades. Members of another subclade predominantly
locate in close physical proximity to NLRs carrying integrated domains,
suggesting a paired helper function. Most NLRs (88%) display
low basal expression (in the lower 10 percentile of transcripts). In
young leaves subjected to biotic stress, we found up-regulation of 266
of the NLRs. To illustrate the utility of our tool for the positional cloning of resistance genes, we estimated the number of NLR
genes within the intervals of mapped rust resistance genes. Our study
will support the identification of functional resistance genes in wheat
to accelerate the breeding and engineering of disease-resistant